Today, 80% of travelers search for their hotel on the internet*. Therefore, having an attractive and easy-to-use hotel website is a crucial aspect for any hotelier wishing to acquire more direct bookings.
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OTAs are the new search engine
Did you know that most travelers visit your hotel website right after finding you on an OTA? 52% to be exact, according to a recent study conducted by Google. However, due to the often unresponsive websites and/or the lack of a booking engine the majority of them goes back to finalize their reservation on the OTAs. So, how do we turn these visits into direct bookings?
The platform provided by Amenitiz allows you to create an attractive, intuitive and responsive website. And this, without requiring any computer knowledge whatsoever ! The technology has been entirely developed for the purpose of facilitating the user experience and ultimately increasing your direct bookings.
Before starting the creation of your website
Prepare some high quality pictures that highlight your establishment. Your website is your first touch point with your future customers ! It is essential to choose quality photographs which emphasise the beauty of your hotel.
Write down the content of the different pages of your hotel website. Use simple words to describe your hotel and its environment. Preparing this content in advance will save you valuable time when setting up each page.
Start picturing a potential layout, or at least the dominant color of your hotel website and a type of font that you would like to use.
Building up your hotel website, a child’s play
Rather than working with templates that you never really end up liking, Amenitiz offers you the possibility to build, and entirely customize your website according to your needs and wants. Thanks to a simple system based on modular blocks of text and images, the platform allows you to create a website which really suits you.
Manage all your reservations with the integrated booking engine
Amenitiz has a booking engine that will be fully integrated to your website. The software is an integral part of the Amenitiz solution, which means that at no time during the booking process, the traveler will leave your website.
The user experience must be completely hassle-free; this is why it is never recommended to use external booking engines. When this is the case, a newly opened window, as well as a different design from the hotel website, often deter clients from proceeding with their booking. On the other hand, a fully integrated booking engine will render the booking process extremely smooth, increasing the conversion rate.
Moreover, Amenitiz�s platform will allow you to readily update your availabilities and prices for different times of the day and of the week, and/or for specific events. In addition, the option of adding extra charges for special offers will easily allow you to upsell your rooms.
Regain control of you hotel website and your reservations today ! And above all, strengthen the link between you and your clients.