A few days later I made a post about an old Ford garage that we’d bought a few years before and turned into an outstanding bakery, cafe, and artisan creamery. And a ratty-old appliance shop which became a world-class, old-fashioned crafts and fabric store. Plus another brick building which was also completely redone and is now a butcher shop and soon-to-be mercantile!
Hundreds of thousands of folks saw that post.
And finally last week, I made a third post about an old hand-hewn barn and farmhouse we took down, restored, and reassembled as a stunning venue and destination rental.
Millions more saw this. Crazy!
All of these projects are in or around the tiny town of Deary, Idaho. Deary has a population of 550, and is two hours from the nearest interstate or major city (Spokane, Washington).
When our family moved there in 2009, it was just another run-down Idaho logging town, full of old buildings that didn’t have many years left before they would completely crumble or collapse under the burden of too many seasons of snow and general neglect.
But with the help of friends and neighbors, we’ve been able to breathe new life into the town, and one-by-one restore these keystone buildings with vibrant businesses which all complement one another.
Adding the train car, depot, caboose, farmhouse lodging was the cherry on top of a total town transformation.
But first, we needed a great place for folks to eat when they came to visit, whether for a day or a week! I present to you The Pie Safe!