Das Gründerteam von Onsai vereint einzigartige Expertise aus KI-Entwicklung und Hotellerie: Jochen Emig, CEO und KI-Experte, hat sein Studium an der Harvard University mit dem Schwerpunkt Machine Learning abgeschlossen und als ehemaliger Google Developer Expert mit seiner 2016 gegründeten KI-Agentur Projekte für Industriegrößen wie Telekom und BMW umgesetzt.
Ralf Bonin, COO, brings extensive hospitality experience as a former operational manager of a hotel group. He has significantly contributed to the digitalization of his previous employers and has been awarded for innovative HR concepts.
Christian Müller, CPO, has extensive experience in implementing hotel software. Most recently, he was responsible for completely redesigning the system landscape at Schani Hotels, driving their digital transformation.
Tobias Koehler, CCO, has years of experience in leadership positions at hotel groups, where he was responsible for commercial operations and hotel systems. With his Hotel Tech consultancy, he has recently been supporting hotels and hotel groups in their digitalization efforts.