Hotel Phone App, LLC, founded in March of 2024, announced the release of HOTEL PHONE APP ™ now available on Apple and Google Play App Stores. Hotel guests download the app onto their cell phones and scan QR code display signs in their guest rooms. Guest cell phones instantly become mobile guest room phones for use anywhere the guest chooses.
Doug Killion, the owner and developer of HOTEL PHONE APP ™, believes it will help modernize hotel phone systems and provide significant cost savings to hotel companies.
Killion said, “HOTEL PHONE APP ™ allows hotels to remove guest room push button phones and eliminate their associated monthly costs per phone line. Guests prefer to use their personal cell phones for travel related communication.”
Hotel phone systems operate using old technology: PBX developed in the 1930’s, push button phones in the 1960’s, and VOIP in the 1970’s. All developed before cell phones gained wide usage in the 2000’s. Many of the functions of push button phones have already been taken over by guest cell phones: local and long distance calling, messaging, alarm clock wake up, ride-share apps, and food delivery apps to name a few.
“Killion said, “The HOTEL PHONE APP ™ technology was needed to complete the move of all guest room push button phone functionality onto guest cell phones. Importantly, this had to be done without impacting existing hotel business phone services which are integrated into hotel property management software.”
Previous attempts to replace guestroom push button phones have for the most part failed. Texting is used in a few small boutique hotels. Hotel supplied handheld devices are costly and disliked by guests not wanting to manage two separate cellular devices at the same time. Sadly, some small independent motels have removed all guest room push button phones due to high cost and low usage.
The recent impact of Emergency 911 requirements for hotels has also been a factor. Killion said, “Confusion exists with both hotel companies and hotel phone service providers regarding the recent Emergency 911 laws.” Kari’s Law, which requires direct dialing for 911, is specific to multi-line PBX/VOIP telephone systems like guest room push button phones. By removing push button phones and replacing them with guest HOTEL PHONE APP ™ service, Kari’s Law no longer applies to hotel guest rooms. Instead, guest cell phones provide direct dial Emergency 911 services. The Ray Baum Act requires all phones to have location services for emergency 911 responders. Hotel guest cell phones are compliant with the Ray Baum Act and have built-in location services. However, all remaining multi-line PBX/VOIP hotel business phones (e.g. front desk, manager’s office) must be compliant with both Kari’s Law and the Ray Baum Act.
A serious limitation of push button guest room phones is lack of mobility. Guests must move to where the phone is located in order to place a call. They cannot take it with them to the restaurant, pool or anywhere off the hotel campus. HOTEL PHONE APP ™ provides guest room phone service anywhere cellular service is available.
HOTEL PHONE APP ™ operates using existing technology deployed in a novel manner. Guests download HOTEL PHONE APP™ for free on their cellphones. Hotels purchase subscriptions for HOTEL PHONE APP ™ starting as low as $3 per month per guest room. Hotels determine which phone links to install based on individual hotel needs (front desk, room service, housekeeping, etc.). Hotel web links can also be added for additional guest services (restaurant, spa, etc.). Direction mapping for anywhere the guest may be located back to the hotel address is provided. HOTEL PHONE APP ™ software generates hotel specific QR codes which are then displayed in guest rooms. Guests use the QR code scanners provided by HOTEL PHONE APP ™ to scan the QR codes. Instantly, hotel phone and web links are displayed on guest cell phones.
HOTEL PHONE APP ™ reduces phone service expenses for hotels. The cost of PBX/VOIP hotel phone services is typically $10-20 per line per month. Added to that is nearly $5 per line per month in State and Federal surcharges and other fees. HOTEL PHONE APP ™ plans start at $3 per room per month and have no
additional monthly surcharges or fees.
HOTEL PHONE APP ™ can be deployed in phases for those hotels that may have guests without cell phones or who prefer to maintain some push button cell phones. Also, because it is new to the market, HOTEL PHONE APP ™ is available for no obligation free trials. Hotels can gather employee and customer feedback before committing to yearly licenses or expanding to additional hotels.
When asked what his predictions are for the future of hotel phone services Killion said, “I imagine it will evolve entirely to cellular and internet based functionality. The backbone of hotel communication will be cloud based hotel management software systems that connect to both employee and guest cell phones. Added to this will be greatly expanded use of voice recognition and AI. Converting guest room push button phones to HOTEL PHONE APP ™ seems to be an inevitable step in the process, and it reduces hotel expenses. So it’s a ‘win-win’ for both guests and hotels.”