“Build it, [I’ll add: share it], and they’ll come!”
After a fun (but exhausting) 24 hours in Deary, I flew down to Boise, and Nathan invited me over.
I arrived at his unpretentious farmhouse just in time for a hearty family breakfast. Nathan, Hillary, and their three boys live on a spacious 9-acre homestead alive with chickens, goats, and gardens they’ve cultivated over the past seven years—a true labor of love. (Not where you’d expect a tech CEO worth hundreds of million to live).
So how did I meet Nathan, and who is he?
In June 2022, I had no social media presence, newsletter, or email knowledge.
I’d just opened Live Oak Lake, which was gaining traction with social reach and direct bookings. Some random guy (@thesamparr) texted me one day. I told him about my business, and a few hours later, he tweeted about it.
Just minutes after Sam’s tweet, I got a phone call from an unknown number. The caller was genuinely interested in STRs and impressed by what I was doing. He told me he ran an email software company and wanted to stay in touch. His name was Nathan Barry.