The case for the return of gatekeeping
After years of disruption by platforms like Airbnb, the hotel industry is making a strong comeback. Travelers are rediscovering the value of quality, consistency, and the core principles that define great hospitality, something that technology alone can’t replace.
This shift isn’t new. History offers a compelling parallel: the evolution of French craft guilds. These centuries-old institutions maintained rigorous standards, ensuring only skilled artisans could practice their trade. The result? High-quality output, consumer trust, and the preservation of expertise. But during the French Revolution, guilds were abolished in favor of free trade. The promise was innovation and growth, but what followed was market saturation, declining quality, and eroded trust.
The hotel industry faced a similar challenge. As short-term rentals exploded, barriers to entry disappeared, allowing anyone to become a host, no training required. While this brought more choices and competitive pricing, it also introduced major pain points: misleading listings, hidden fees, and unreliable service. What Airbnb once sold as authentic, local-driven stays has increasingly become a commercialized marketplace, often lacking the very essence of hospitality. Add to that a flawed review system, where feedback is only published if both parties participate, and it’s easy to see why guests are looking elsewhere. Hotels, on the other hand, offer something invaluable: reliability. Strict regulations ensure safety, cleanliness, and professional service. Guests know exactly what to expect.
Much like the guilds of old, hotels have their own quality assurance mechanisms, think star-rating classifications that set clear expectations. A five-star hotel in France, for instance, must meet stringent standards in service, amenities, and operational excellence, something Airbnb simply can’t guarantee.
The bottom line? As travelers grow weary of unpredictability, hotels are reclaiming their position by doing what they’ve always done best: delivering dependable, high-quality experiences.