our orchard
“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” —Martin Luther
A few new faces here from the weekend orchard posts on X & IG—welcome!
This truly has been one of the most fulfilling projects I’ve ever pursued, and a fantastic long-term investment. If all goes well, the business blossoms next year (Year 3, when the trees finally start yielding fruit). Depending on variety, each tree should produce for 20-60 years.
Beyond the fruit harvest (cider, dried fruit, jams & jellies), we’re exploring hosting small weddings and seasonal events among the trees.
But the value of our investment transcends finances. The dividends we’re already reaping—a place to meditate alone, or be with family and friends—are priceless.
If you want to experience the orchard firsthand, keep reading…