The company’s Low Carbon Pioneers program brings together energy efficient hotels that have no fossil fuels combusted on-site and are backed by renewable energy
Jul 17, 2024
This collection of low operational carbon hotels is a pioneering community in the industry, designed to enable IHG to experiment, gain insight and disseminate information on sustainability initiatives. The aim is to inspire other hotels to join the program and encourage wider adoption of carbon reduction practices across IHG’s portfolio.
Key takeaways
- Each Low Carbon Pioneer hotel will feature sustainable solutions such as high-efficiency heat pumps for heating and hot water generation, as well as fully electric kitchens;
- Every property will also have an operational sustainability certification** recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, such as Green Key, or a sustainable building certification, such as LEED, BREEAM or EDGE;
- To track and measure their energy data, Low Carbon Pioneer hotels will use IHG’s Green Engage environmental platform.
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