With an active customer base of more than 400 million users, Instagram is one of the easiest ways to market your hotel. The image-based network allows you to undertake a free and effective digital communication strategy with the simple use of a hashtag.
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What content should i post on instagram for my hotel?
The primary purpose of your posts is to spark Instagrammers’ interest making them want to lodge at your hotel. For this reason, the quality of your photos is extremely important. There is no point in posting often if it is to publish mediocre pictures.
What the average user pays particular attention to: the sophisticated and beautifully-presented dishes of your restaurant, the breathtaking views from your widnows, a Jacuzzi moment shared with your significant other, etc.
It’s up to you to know your best assets and revolve your communication strategy around them. Analyze your target market and focus on the services they chose you for.
If you would like some inspiration, Grand Pigalle Hotel has a great instagram page:
Post Instagram Hotel
How often should i post on my hotel instagram page:
The most important thing about Instagram is consistency. There is no point in posting every day for a week and then nothing for 10 days. If you do not have time to post a nice photo on a daily basis, publish only 3 times a week and on specific days. The idea is that eventually your followers will start considering your post as an appointment.
Posting three times a week is a good average, posting more would not bring more likes to your posts.
What are the best days to post the pictures of my hotel?
If you start on a basis of three photos per week, we advise you to post regularly. For example, a post on Monday, one on Thursday and on on Sunday. Regarding the choice of days, we advise you to test it out yourself. For instance, on week 1 post on Monday, Thursday and Sunday, and on week 2 on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Here below is a combination of the most effective days / times of the week:
Between Saturday night and Sunday early morning (increased traffic around 2 am)
Sunday: 5 pm
Monday: between 7 pm and 10 pm.
Tuesday: 9 am.
Wednesday: 5 pm.
Thursday: 1 pm.
Friday: 1 pm.
Last but not least, make sure you use relevant hashtags to your pictures. This is what will make the difference. If you want to find out more about which hashtags to use for your hotel visit this page