This page will be updated with current information about support during the frequently changing evolution of the virus. Our priority is keeping staff safe while maintaining the best possible customer support continuity.
16 March 2020 — Customer Support Continuity:
At Shiji, we are committed to providing our partners and customers with the best possible support. Given the situation surrounding COVID-19 and the frequent national and international changes, we wanted to inform you that we have taken the necessary measures to ensure our teams remain safe while still providing you with the support you may need.
We want to reassure you that we have a thorough support continuity plan, which leverages our global network of support teams to ensure your services will continue to be provided in the event that a location is affected. Our support continuity plan leverages our global network of experts who are all set-up or being set-up with remote work environments to ensure we can serve you. We have prepared for the possibility of complete confinement and we sincerely hope it will not be necessary.
If one or more support teams are affected, we may shift some services to other teams temporarily, which might cause a small delay. We will keep you updated should any changes be necessary.
We are committed to providing you with the best support possible during this uncertain time.