What initially inspired you to get into the hospitality business?
My career has always been rooted in the architecture and design industry, but my focus shifted toward hospitality in 2018 when I accepted a position with an Italian company developing hotels in the United States. I was immediately captivated by the way thoughtful design intersects with the fast-paced environment of a property that never sleeps. The hospitality industry offers a unique blend of creativity and functionality—making it an exciting and ever-evolving space to market.
Who were some of your mentors or role models and what were their most valuable lessons?
My greatest professional role model has been my boss from the job I held for 12 years. He instilled in me a deep appreciation for the industry, teaching me to look beyond the cost of items and the politics that can engulf you. He also placed his trust in me at a young age, providing the opportunity to step into a role that could have been a significant challenge. I embraced it and succeeded beyond expectations. The most valuable lesson that he taught me is that when you have passion for your work, it ceases to feel like work—it becomes your purpose.
It would be amiss not to mention my mother, the most influential person in my life. She taught me the power of using my voice, embracing my drive, and carving out my own place in the world. Her lessons in resilience and determination continue to guide me every day.
What’s your outlook for the future with regard to diversity and inclusion within hospitality?
I have been excited to witness the increasing number of women rising to leadership positions within the hospitality industry. It is encouraging to see this growth, and I believe the momentum will continue as more organizations recognize the value of diverse leadership. I am co-chair of the WLI (Women’s Leadership Initiative) committee, which is part of ULI, and I actively support organizations such as SHaD, AHLA’s ForWard initiative, and this magazine, among others, that champion women in hospitality and provide essential tools for professional development. I hope that there is a strong continued investment in inclusive opportunities to further strengthen the industry’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
In your opinion, how is the lodging industry performing in terms of getting women into leadership positions?
The lodging industry has made progress to include and advance women, but there is still much to be done. While more women are stepping into executive positions, true diversity must extend beyond gender to include broader representation across race, religion, background, and experiences. Creating change requires continued efforts in mentorship, sponsorship, and inclusive policies that ensure equal opportunities.