“I think one of the main problems faced in the hospitality industry is that the CEOs of the leading companies come from within the hospitality industry, creating an inbred climate that hinders innovation.
If you notice, CEOs from other industries come from different sectors and bring new disruptive ideas for control and management. We definitely need to think outside the box and incorporate new metrics, not only from other tourism verticals but from other industries as well. I’ll give you a very simple example, “On-time Delivery” is a KPI that measures how many of our products leave the factory within the optimum service time. Formula: Successful deliveries/Total deliveries * 100 = OTD rate.
Applying this to hospitality, a hotel could measure the ‘On-time Room Availability Rate,’ which would track the percentage of rooms that are cleaned, maintained, and available for new guests by the standard check-in time. Similarly, ‘On-time Service Delivery Rate’ could apply to timely room service, dining experiences, or even the promptness of resolving guest requests.
Introducing such metrics could inspire a culture of punctuality and efficiency, focusing not just on the quality of service but also on timeliness, which is increasingly valued by guests. Moreover, it could foster a competitive spirit and encourage continuous improvement, leading to higher guest satisfaction and, ultimately, loyalty.”