The Green Lodging Trends Report includes 80 best practice questions for hotels to assess their sustainability performance
Jan 16, 2025
The Green Lodging Trends Report (GLTR) is a leading biennial global benchmarking study that evaluates sustainability best practices in the hotel industry. It compares hotels worldwide to assess the adoption of these practices. For the 2024 GLTR, 20,000 hotels of various sizes and types from 50 countries participated and compared their sustainability performance with that of their peers.
Key takeaways
- The biennial survey shows a significant increase in the number of hotels tracking greenhouse gas emissions, from 43% in 2022 to over 90% this year. Emissions typically come from energy use, transportation, food, purchased goods, waste and employee travel. More than 90% of hotels now monitor their emissions at least monthly and have plans in place to reduce them;
- To offset their emissions, many hotels purchase carbon credits. Carbon offset initiatives, such as reforestation projects, help absorb carbon dioxide as trees grow. Nearly 90% of hotels offer guests the opportunity to purchase carbon credits, but only 5% of hotels purchase credits themselves to offset their emissions;
- In addition to carbon offsets, hotels are implementing resource conservation programs, such as towel and linen reuse initiatives. According to the report, more than 90% of hotels have a towel reuse program, where towels are changed only upon guest request.
Get the full report at Greenview